Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Twin Issues of Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

The Twin Issues of Climate Change and Global Warming - Essay Example    In effect, it is crucial to highlight the important role that an increment in fuel prices will play towards achieving these objectives to thus crucial and important population that is aware of global warming and climate change. For this reason, I addressed this open letter to the citizens of the United States. I believe that we have all heard the adage that "desperate times call for desperate measures." In our endeavor and the quest to satisfy the most basic of human needs, we face a momentous challenge on our environment and other essential components of human life. In line with this, we cannot live oblivious to the fact that some activities that we engaged in can bring untoward effects to our lives. In effect, such activities required urgent action in order to converse the world for future generations. You may be wondering about the motive behind this letter. However, I need to explain the intention behind this letter before I support my argument. First, how many times have we heard or read about the term global warming today on any form of media? In addition, what proactive measures were are taking to ensure that we maintain an environment that was safe for current and future living organisms? Besides, who amongst us today would not wish to experience new approaches that were safe and innovative and solved human kinds problems? I believe your guess is as good as mine with regard to all these questions. The underlying issue in this letter regards the divisive and emotive issue surrounding increasing of fuel prices. In this case, the issue has revolved around two opposing sides with each side putting up strong arguments for their cases.  Ã‚  On one hand, those proposing an increment in fuel prices argue about the economic, social, and environmental benefits arising from the increase.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The US Liberal Criminological Tradition Critical Analysis Essay

The US Liberal Criminological Tradition Critical Analysis - Essay Example There are clear statistics that show that some ethnic minorities are more likely to be associated with crime and the punitive system within both the US1 and the UK2. There is further evidence that this may be a result of ethnic discrimination and social stratification3, leading some scholars and supporters of liberal criminology to suggest that there is racial bias within the criminal justice system. There are those that go further and suggest that the punitive system does not represent what could be seen as a ‘true definition of criminality’ but rather a skewed view based on these ethnic and economic differences that evidence themselves in the statistics. This liberal criminology has become somewhat of a tradition, particularly in the US4, meaning that it has influences on criminological research in the UK and further afield. Whilst the aim to find a definition of true crime free from the effects of social and political order is perhaps noble, it can be difficult for sc holars to move away from the shadow that the US liberal criminological tradition has cast. ... This will provide insight into crime politics and how criminological traditions and research find themselves part of the legal landscape, and the effects that this type of background can have on contemporary research and attitudes within the field. The US Liberal Criminological Tradition To fully understand the nature of the question, it is perhaps prudent to examine the US liberal criminological tradition in more detail. Liberal criminology can be said to be the ‘perennial search for a measure of actual or real criminality’5. This search is deemed necessary partly because of the thought that crime figures (and the resultant research) often fails to account for crimes that have gone unreported or criminals that have not been prosecuted or otherwise recorded by the punitive system6. Liberal criminologists often go so far as to suggest that this way of analysing crime means that it is not true scientific research as it does not represent the scientific method7. The purpose of finding this true definition of criminality is to reduce the effects of political and socioeconomic factors on the justice system8. It has also been suggested that liberal criminologists ‘tend to share the hope that once real crime has been isolated and measured, its causes can be identified and solutions devised’9. Evidently, it is incredibly difficult to separate a justice system which relies on human judgement from political and socioeconomic factors present within the culture. Liberal criminology acknowledges this factor, but insists that much of the data provided on crime and criminals is false; ‘they reflect the bias inherent in an economically, ethnically, and racially stratified society’10. The argument here is perhaps